The brief -

  • Create a storytelling intro to an online quiz that assesses how a company is currently performing in terms of communication and strategy implementation

  • Revise the quiz, highlighting Wow Deck’s benefits and branding

  • Create three levels of personalised reports, based on the answers to the online quiz

  • The goal is to help prospects identify their needs in this area and prompt them to contact Wow Deck for a free consultation to discuss their quiz results in more detail

  • The reports themselves are gated content, but here is the landing page and intro to the quiz.

Quiz intro

It’s race day.

You’ve got a great strategy.

You’re hyper focused, energised and raring to go. The competition is gearing up all around you but you’re not phased.

You get the signal and you fly into action. 

That’s when it happens.

Something doesn’t sound right. You’re losing speed. 

You press harder on the peddle but it’s no use. Your momentum slows and you watch your dreams disintegrate as you slide across the track and grind to a halt. 

You turn to look behind you. That’s when the penny drops. 

Your team are milling about with no clear direction. They don’t know what the race plan is and you’re not even sure they know you’ve started.

Game Over

You might have a great product. 

You might have a great strategy.

You might be more skilled than the competition.  

But if you can’t get your message across to those who need to hear it, you’ll splutter and slide while the competition whizzes past.

Leaving you in the dust.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

So, Where’s Your Team?


eBook for Greener Construction


Social Media Posts