Let’s Get You Out of the Spam Folder

It's dark, it's cold, the Spectre of Lost Sales is gaining on you.

Your mailing list is leaking subscribers, and the only thing you can hear over your own ragged breathing is the deafening silence of your marketing emails sliding into obscurity.  

Yep. I’m afraid you’ve wandered into the wilderness of the spam folder.

A barren wasteland where email campaigns go to die and your seeds of creative genius perish before they’ve even sprouted.

But it’s not you. It’s your copy.

And it doesn’t have to be this way.

You just need a copywriter who knows what they're doing.

A copywriter who can grab attention with a click-worthy title. Followed by an email that gets your readers’ attention. An email that keeps them engaged from one line to the next, and shows them that you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for.

I ‘m a good copywriter.

Give me a shout.


A sequence of 3 emails will range from £350 - £550.

Whether you need a welcome sequence, nurture campaign, or you’re promoting new products and services to existing subscribers. Give me a shout and I’ll send you a clear proposal with an up-front cost.

Talk to me.