You Had Me at Hello

So, you’ve got a sparkly new website with all the bells and whistles. Brilliant!

Now you just need people to find it. Love it. And click the buttons you want them to click on it.

For starters we can boost your site up in the Google rankings with on-page search engine optimisation (SEO).

Only, that’s the easy part.

Humans have short attention spans. So if the words on your site are as dull as dishwater, your bounce rate will be higher than the Bank of England base rate.

This is where you need someone creative. Someone with the gift of the gab. A copywriter. A storyteller. A silver tongued wordsmith with phenomenal phrases and persuasive prose (see what I did there?)

I’ll get to know your business inside out and write something that sounds like you, highlights how brilliant you are, and gets your prospects excited.


At the risk of sounding like a dodgy mechanic sucking air in through their teeth…it depends.

I know, I know.

All sorts of variables can affect the cost of website copy. From the number of pages to the amount of research involved.

But to give you an idea, a website with 5 pages should cost from £1,500 - £2,200.

I say should because this is your website. It will be unique to you, your business, and your target audience.

All work includes SEO, a deep dive into your brand, research on your target audience, and two rounds of revisions.

Get in touch for an initial discussion and I’ll send you a proposal with a clear project cost.

Talk to me.