Black and white headshot of Leesa Morris

How are your relationships doing?

I believe relationships are all we have. 

Relationships and Connection.

I’m just going to say it, I was a weird kid. 

I preferred my stories to people and could often be found alone in my room with my head buried in a book.

But as I got older I realised something was missing. 

You lot. Other people. 


So, ever the bookworm, I set about learning as much as I could about people. 

I studied Psychology, I got my degree in English (naturally), and went and got my Masters in Social Studies. 

And I fell in love with people.

So much so that I became a social worker and spent 17 years helping people find solutions to their problems. 

Helping people find their voices.  

Now I do the same thing, but for businesses

I’ve made it my mission to understand what makes people tick.

This includes you.

I’ll take the time to understand you and your business. I’ll climb into your head, take a peek into your heart, then pull the two together to tell your story.

A story that resonates.

A story that starts a conversation between you and your audience.

A conversation that builds a connection.

And a connection that leads to a relationship.

So, tell me what you need

You might have a clear vision for your next project. Or maybe you’re working with several threads you can’t quite grab a hold of.

Wherever you’re at, I can help.

Pass me the ball and I’ll knock it out of the park. Or throw me a tangled pile of string and I’ll transform it into a tapestry that reflects the values, tone and ethos of your company.  

Whatever your goals, let’s get your voice out there.

Let’s connect.

Leesa x