Blogs & Articles

What’s entertaining, informative, and expands your audience faster than an influencer with a giveaway?

Yep. A blog.

Blogs are a fantastic way to pull traffic to your website, build up trust with your existing audience, establish yourself as an authority in your field and get those search rankings to shoot up.

They’re also a very effective way to move prospects through the marketing funnel.

Someone reads your blog.

Someone shares your blog.

Someone signs up to your mailing list. And hey presto.

You have a new relationship to nurture.

Blogs need to have high value content. They need to be engaging. And ideally, they need to be churned out on the regular. 

But who has the time for all that?

Well, ahem. Me. I do.

Old parchment paper with scribbled lines, lying on the leaves and twigs