Your Story | The Marketing Gold You’re Not Using

I was chatting to a friend and fellow business owner just the other day.

She told me she didn’t think her personal story was interesting, and she certainly didn’t think it was relevant to her business.

Now, I know her story.

And it has everything to do with her business.

Her origin story is one of grit and persistence. A less than optimal start in life and a journey punctured with adversity from which she built a thriving business.

She’s a fitness coach.

Now, if you were struggling to get started with your physical fitness and you heard that story, wouldn’t you want to work with her?

Would you think she might understand your struggle? Would you imagine that some of that determination might rub off on you?

Her story speaks to her values, her tenacity, and her commitment. And her target audience will want a piece of it.

What’s your story?

If I had a tenner for every time a client told me they didn’t think their story was interesting, I’d already have my campervan and I’d be writing this from the Pembrokeshire Coast. 

But unless you’ve spent your entire life living under a stone, I guarantee you your story is interesting. 

It’s yours. It’s unique to you. And it led you to where you are today.

Your story will naturally convey your values, your strengths, your value proposition.

And it will resonate with people who want a bit of that in their lives.

So where do you start?

To quote Simon Sinek, start with why.

Start with why you do what you do. What’s your purpose? What are the values that drive you? 

Make a list of your values, then distil them down to the 2 or 3 that are most important to you. Those absolute non negotiables that get you fired up.

Then dig a little deeper. Where did those values come from? Because they won’t be the same as everyone else’s. You hold those values close for a reason. 

What were the life experiences that shaped them?

That’s your story.

But is that interesting to other people?

It will be interesting to the right people.

Before I was a copywriter, I was a social worker for 17 years. At first I thought my past life bore no relevance whatsoever to my new career. 

Then I realised I’d spent 17 years helping people to find solutions to their problems, helping people to find their voices. And I would have been utterly useless at that job if I hadn’t learned to listen.

And now? 

I listen.

I help people solve their problems.

I help them find their voices. 

So own your damn story.

Your story will make people take notice. Your story will make you memorable.

And if you need any help with this, I know someone.

(Me. I know me.)

If you’re struggling to find the gold in your story, my Brand Story Package might be a good fit. And remember, our initial call is free.

Leesa x

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