How Bad Website Copy Hurts You Twice

‘This was supposed to be my year! We’re only three weeks into January and so far I’ve had a married man and a scammer!’’

I handed my best friend a tissue as we sat down to dissect the remains of her latest dating escapade.

She’d vowed to get better at dating this year. 

Last year’s results were disastrous. She’d dated men with commitment issues, men who lied about who they were, one date even turned out to be a convicted murderer (seriously).

So this year she was determined to do things differently. To raise her standards, to hold firm boundaries, to stop spraying those red flags green. 

But something wasn’t working. Because here we were. Three weeks into January and she was still getting the same old same old. 

‘Give me your phone,’ I said. 

I clicked on her profile and that’s when I saw the problem.

Her profile was only half complete, it said very little about who she is as a person, and where it asked for her dating goals she’d written Let’s see what happens.

She wasn’t showcasing her best qualities. She hadn’t highlighted her interests. And her intentions were clear as mud. 

So not only was she losing the guys she did want to meet, but she was also attracting the ones she didn’t. The ones who didn’t care about her values, the ones whose intentions didn’t match with hers, the time wasters.

And you know what? Same goes for your website.

The marketplace is crowded. 

But that’s a good thing.

Because in all this wonderful diversity, somewhere out there are the people who need exactly what you’re offering.

There will also be people who won’t get what you’re trying to do, don’t care about your values, and aren’t prepared to invest.

Your job is to make sure you’re reaching the right people, and screening out the wrong ones.

If the copy on your website isn’t clear, you’ll be missed by the people who do need you, while attracting the ones who will ultimately waste your time.

And that’s how bad website copy hurts you twice.

The good news is there are some things you can do right now.

Let’s take a look at your home page.

Is it instantly clear what you do? 

Is your unique value front and centre? Or is it lost in a sea of meaningless text you knocked out in a hurry, or worse, got from Chat GPT?

And remember, people buy from people. 

What’s your website saying about your values and personality? Does your copy have a tone of voice that matches your brand? 

Do your prospects instantly get that you understand them? That you care about their problem? Are you giving them a flavour of what life could be like with you in it?

The words on your website are your shop front. If you want people to step through the door you’ve got to entice them with a taste of the goodies waiting on the other side.

Not sure where to start?

If this all feels a bit overwhelming, that’s okay. I’m assuming that writing copy for websites isn’t your business.

But guess what? It’s mine.

And I know what I’m doing.

I’ll take care of your website so that you can focus all your energy on doing what you do best.

Give me a shout and we’ll set up a free call to chat about your goals.

In the meantime I’m off to see my friend. With her new and improved profile she’s just come back from a brilliant date, and she can’t wait to tell me all about it.

Leesa x

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