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Couple Therapy & Relationship Counselling

Relationship Unravelling? 

Struggling to relate to your partner? You’re not alone.

Our relationships can be a source of great joy and fulfilment. But when things go wrong, it can leave us feeling lost and hopeless. 

This is where relationship counselling and couple therapy can help. 

Time and time again research has proven that couple counselling has a powerful effect on relationships and overall emotional wellbeing. Many of my clients even say counselling saved their relationships. 

In short, it works. 

So if you’ve hit a roadblock in your relationship, this doesn’t have to be the end. In fact, it could be the beginning of a whole new chapter.

About Gary Schuller MS MFT

I specialise in relationship counselling and couple therapy. Over many years of private practice I’ve helped thousands of couples to find lasting fulfilment and satisfaction in their relationships. 

If your relationship is struggling, I’m confident I’ll be able to get to the heart of the issue quickly. 

On the other hand, you might be open to the idea of counselling, but your partner isn’t ready to take that step. If this is you, don’t worry. Lots of people come to me for individual sessions. 

Whatever your situation, I can help you to find a way forward.

Have Questions?

I’ve been on both sides of the therapeutic relationship, as a client and as a therapist. So I know first hand how nerve wracking but ultimately fulfilling this process can be. 

If you like, we can arrange a free 20 minute chat to talk through any worries you have, before you decide on next steps.

You can also find out more about my approach to relationship counselling and couples therapy and my specialist training and experience

10 Common Relationship Issues

Here are some common difficulties that could be coming up for you. 

This list isn’t exhaustive. If there’s something you’re struggling with that you don’t see here, get in touch.

  • Communication Problems 

  • Constant Arguments

  • Lack of Sex and Intimacy

  • Not Feeling Valued or Appreciated

  • Infidelity or Betrayal

  • Rebuilding Trust

  • Addiction

  • Emotional Connection

  • Financial Issues

  • Parenting Differences

  • Moving on After Divorce

Build a Stronger, Happier Relationship

Get in touch for a free 20 minute chat


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