Dating App - Headlines, Hooks and Content Buckets

Content Bucket 1 - Dating Online - trends, pains and etiquette 

3 Things I Learned From Being My Brazen, Uncensored Self When Dating Online

The early stages of dating can feel like walking a tightrope. You’re tense. Careful. Terrified.

How’s that working out for you?

Are Your Openers Turning Off Your Matches? Beware These 5 Common Mistakes

Another one bit the dust? It’s not for the reasons you think.

Content Bucket 2 - Moving Into Real Life 

Stuck on the App? 5 Surefire Ways to Get More IRL Dates

Imagine your calendar spilling over with coffee dates, dinner, how about drinks in the park? And you’re excited about each and every one.

Who Pays on the First Date? How to Put Your Best Foot Forward Without Coming on Too Strong

Your eyes are fixed on each other, hands twitching at your sides, tumbleweed dancing between you in the blistering heat. One wrong move and it’s all over, so who should reach for their wallet first?

Content Bucket 3 - Relationships

So, You’re Heartbroken. It’s Over. And Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing

I see you. Staring at your ex’s Whatsapp. Now put your phone down and let me tell you the good news.

Do You Have This 1 Key Ingredient to a Fulfilling Relationship?

This 6 minute read will save you at least 3 more failed relationships and 2 more self help books. 

Content Bucket 4 - The Online Profile

Most Women Are Looking for These 3 Things: And It’s Got Nothing to Do With Your Height or Your Bank Balance

Did you hear about the guy who died alone because he wasn’t Harry Styles? Of course you didn’t. Because that would be ridiculous. 

Don’t Get Swiped Into Obscurity: Why The Wrong Photo Hurts You Twice

Did you know it takes an average of 0.7 seconds for a person to make a decision on which way to swipe? 

*Written on spec


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