Website Copy and SEO


You’ve got a sparkly new website with all the bells and whistles. Your products and services have been polished and buffed to perfection.

But how do you stand out? How do you get your unique value proposition in front of the people who need to see it?

Well, for starters, with Search Engine Optimisation I can boost your website up in the Google rankings. Getting prospects swimming to your site like hungry fishes after the worm. 

So you can focus on other things, knowing that your website traffic is taken care of.

You Had Me at Hello

Only, that’s the easy part.

We have short attention spans. So if the words on your site are as dull as dishwater, your fishes will disappear faster than you can say Where’s Nemo?


This is where you need someone creative with the gift of the gab. A copywriter. A storyteller. A silver tongued wordsmith. With phenomenal phrases and persuasive prose (see what I did there?) I’ll smash out some dazzling copy to hook your prospects and propel them to take action there and then. 

And pretty soon you’ll be reeling in new customers faster than you can say we’re gonna need a bigger boat

An old fashioned inkwell