5 Ways to Achieve All-Natural Glowing Skin

Plump. Smooth. Fresh. I fingered the luscious peach and asked how much.

The woman in the bustling market winked at me, ‘no charge’ she said.  ‘On one condition.’ 

I leaned in. The smell of berries and citrus fruits wafted past my nose. 

‘You’re a writer, yes?’ 

I nodded. 

‘Then you must share my secrets with the world.’ 

She broke into a smile. The light bouncing off her cheekbones. Her skin was clear and dewy. Glistening, like sunshine dancing on the surface of the ocean on a hot summer’s day. 

And there wasn’t a scrap of make up on her face.

We’ve all come across these mystical beings at one time or another. Ageless creatures who have somehow achieved eternal youth without expensive or scary treatments (vampire facial, anyone?)

So I soaked up her secrets faster than a sponge finding itself in the fountain of youth. And now, dear reader, I can share them with you.

So, step away from the chemical peels. Say goodbye to those serums and creams that only make your money disappear.

And say hello to 5 tried and tested ways to get a natural glow.

  1. Green Tea

Used for centuries as a medicinal drink, you’ve probably already heard of this fragrant elixir. 

But did you know it also promotes youthful skin? 

Green Tea is rich in polyphenols. Dynamos that fight inflammation, giving you a blemish free, even skin tone. Numerous studies have shown that green tea fights UV rays and pollution, putting the brakes on the ageing process. 

Some studies show that they can even help prevent skin cancer!

And the best part? Green Tea tastes delicious. You can get varieties with jasmine, lemon, even strawberry.

So, for gorgeous skin, wrapped up in a soothing taste sensation, Green Tea is a win win. 

2. Peaches

No, really!

Vitamin C and E are the Godfathers of the vitamin world. And peaches are packed with both. Not only do they improve skin tone and texture, they’re also proven to max out your skin’s ability to retain moisture. 

In fact, peaches are chock full of antioxidants, protecting against free radicals that would do your skin harm. 

They’re bursting with flavour too.

All in all, peaches are sumptuous little youth bombs that will keep your skin looking fresh as the morning dew.

3. Avocados

These nutrient packed power houses are also rich in Vitamins C and E. But Avocados also have massive amounts of another super ingredient.

Put your hands together for Vitamin A! 

This essential nutrient prevents breakouts, promotes healing and improves elasticity. Eating just one avocado a day for 8 weeks will get you results. Tightening your skin and warding off the dreaded sag. 

Avocados are also high in healthy fats like Omega 3, for smooth and supple skin. And because Avocados have antimicrobial properties, you can even use them as cleansers.

With all this to shout about, it might have been easier to list the things Avocados don’t do. 

4. Sleep

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 50 years you’ll already know that sleep is important. Experts say between 7-9 hours a night is optimum. 

But do you know why it’s so good? 

Your skin makes collagen when you sleep. Collagen is vital for replacing dead skin cells, revealing bright, soft skin with a radiant glow.

Your body also sends blood flow to your skin while you snooze. That’s why you wake up looking renewed and refreshed after a solid night’s slumber. 

This blood flow also reduces dark circles under your eyes and clears away puffy bags.

Time and time again, research keeps telling us that sleep is one of the most effective tools in your armoury against premature ageing. 

Do you need another reason to treat yourself to an early night?

5. Water

Yep, we saved the best for last. 

Did you know your skin is mostly water? 64% to be precise. And because you lose water on a daily basis, it’s essential to replenish your stores. Hydration from the inside out means fewer wrinkles, reduced puffiness and a luminous complexion.

Otherwise it’s dry, thirsty skin and more fine lines than an old leather shoe.   

Water can even clear up acne. By flushing out your digestive system it stops toxins from showing up in your skin. As well as shrinking pores, so they don’t clog and form pimples. 

All this for the 2 minutes it takes to drink a glass of water.

So there you have it! 

5 ways to get natural, glowing skin, without harsh chemicals, scalpels or temporary cover ups.  

Because real beauty should shine from the inside out. 

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*Writing sample. Not commissioned


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